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Brand and Operations: Two Sides of the Same Coin – Monogram + ProAction Presentation

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Many businesses may view operations and branding as processes continually at odds with each other. We believe this is not the case. We recently collaborated on a presentation designed to show businesses how they can use operations and branding in harmony to promote success.

In this presentation, The ProAction Group and The Monogram Group each use case studies to explain their process for helping businesses grow. The ProAction Group, focusing on operations, first assesses opportunities to increase EBITDA and a client’s competitive position while reducing working capital. Then, we prepare a 100-day strategy addressing supply chain, manufacturing, distribution, and sourcing strategies. The Monogram Group highlights branding strategies. A differentiated brand involves successful audience mapping, market research, competitive audits, and development of a brand idea and positioning. Synching these branding and operational strategies can lead to more opportunities and a competitive advantage.

Contact us for more information about how to maximize your operational and branding strategies. The ProAction Group serves consumer product, manufacturing, and distribution companies, while The Monogram Group works with clients in the financial, professional services, manufacturing, and not-for-profit sectors to reposition brands and develop individualized marketing strategies.

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